Sayali’s Connect Profile
- Working as Management Associate/Consultant/Facilitators.
- Working for HR Development with focus of finding/understanding HR Systems of any
organisation. - In a process of work, various training modules have been designed. We prefer to create /
develop a training module as per the need of training-Initiative of an organization.
(Enclosing List of few Training Modules for Reference) - Associated with Training Activities, for more than one decades.
- Working for Creation & Development of Job Description. Job Description ensures smooth
& Systematic work within an organization. This ensures / leads towards Better Success of
each Department. (Job description need to be used with Systematic approach & it
becomes Successful for designing KRA, KPI’s, Objective and Appraisals. - Worked with MIT World Peace University, Pune for accomplishing HR activity of Job
Description. - Conducted various Workshops, Seminars & Trainings in AISSMS College, PMA & OHR
platform. - Conducted various number of programs/lectures on Topic “Resume Writing with Interview
Techniques”. - Conducted Various Behaviors Training in manufacturing industries. Our customers are
Marelli Motherson Auto Suspension Parts Pvt. Ltd, Arctic Agro Food Pvt. Ltd, Profiroll
Technologies, Uno Star, Innovative Solutions and many more such manufacturing firms. - We have tie up with Technical Training Institute of the Poona Blind Men’s Association &
conducted various behavioral training with career guidance, resume writing. - Programmes conducted on Community Radio of Pune University Vidyavani.
- Uploaded various videos on Resume Writing & Interview Techniques on You Tube Channel.
- We can initiate need base activities in Simplest way, Appealing for Action. The activities
will be designed in such way, that the participants will get involved. In a process as a
Team, we can achieve at the first step – increased Motivation …. Subsequently it should
turn towards Inspiration & then the Self-Realization… - We can design the content of course material keeping 100% light on the Purpose.
- We can deliver the lectures which will Appeal for Action.
- Prior, starting activities of Sayali’s Connect Services I worked with Automobile & Light
Industry as HR Professional on responsible work profile.